Case Management & Community Navigation

CTJC provides case management for survivors and their families that is strengths-based, person-centered, and trauma-informed. We work to address needs self-identified by participants including employment, housing, healthcare, and more.

At CTJC, Case Management consists of holistic reentry services for survivors as they rebuild their lives in the wake of the sustained trauma of police violence and incarceration. These supports include assistance in securing housing, food, medical insurance, employment and educational resources, and emergency financial assistance. We also engage in crisis care, court accompaniment, transportation assistance, and drivers license acquisition. This holistic support makes possible the success of survivors in their journeys reintegrating and thriving in community. 

Community Navigators

CTJC’s Community Navigators work with the Case Manager to provide public education to communities impacted by policing and incarceration, and connect participants with critical and holistic support using a trauma-informed approach. Community Navigators are headquartered out of CTJC’s offices in Woodlawn , but they are often in the field meeting community where they’re needed, such as taking a participant to a job interview, or accompanying a participant to retrieve necessary IDs.

Know Your Rights

Community Navigators regularly offer Know Your Rights trainings on what do if and when you are stopped by the police. Know Your Rights workshops can be held with schools, youth programs, partner organizations, and community members in Woodlawn and across the Chicagoland area. Know Your Rights workshops can also be held virtually, if needed.