Holistic & Liberatory Peer Reentry
Led and envisioned by formerly incarcerated individuals, CTJC’s Holistic and Liberatory Peer Reentry Program seeks to address the harms carried out by the carceral system. We address these experiences by providing support that is individualized, holistic, politicized, transformational, collaborative, and liberatory.
Liberatory Reunification
You are free! Lift your voice, unburden your heart, exhale… CTJC is a space of true freedom. You can bring your whole self to CTJC without fear, without judgment and criticism. CTJC is a space that fosters accountability, joy, grace, truth telling, and creativity.
Holistic Reunification Support
We understand that housing, employment, medical care, and support with obtaining identification and documents are fundamental for a successful reunification. We also understand that these things alone are only part of what it takes to help people feel they have what they need in order to feel supported, cared for, and able to access their immediate, short-term, and long-term needs. We assist individuals with this by connecting them to partner organizations that share our values. Our Holistic Reunification provides support that includes: Responsive Case Management, Specialized Groups, Skills-Building and Training, Mental Health, Accompaniment, and Spiritual Support.
Individualized Reunification
At CTJC our Reunification Support is not one size fits all. We believe that everyone has the right to have and to use their agency and to determine for themselves what they do and don’t need. When possible, our contact with individuals begins before they are released. During this time, we engage and build relationships. By establishing these relationships we learn what support is needed on an individual and personalized level.
Politicized Reunification
CTJC creates space for the grief, collateral consequences and permanent punishments that the carceral systems creates for individuals returning to their families and communities. We do this by seeking to change the systems of harm and oppression by allowing voices to be heard. Through this collective effort and our politicized healing model, we understand that our healing is political, and that it is directly connected to our work seeking systems and structural change. We provide healing services that include Individual Therapy, Group Therapy, Art Therapy, Somatic Healing practices, and Re-entry Specialty Services.
Transformational Reunification
CTJC supports the transformation of lives by assisting individuals who choose to pursue career, academic, and vocational goals as well as goals related to their emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. We provide and connect individuals to academic and professional training and generative opportunities that can truly transform their lives and the lives of their families. This provides the opportunity for our members to become proactive in the change and healing that they want to see in themselves and their communities.