Politicized Healing
Photo credit: Cristopher Brown
At the Center, we respond to community members harmed by police violence and race-based trauma with comprehensive support rooted in Politicized Healing. Politicized healing is the belief that our healing is political and our politics are healing. Politicized healing addresses the harm—felt by individuals and communities—caused by historic and evolving systems of oppression.
In addition to our therapeutic services for individuals, we identify harmful structures and systems that are rooted in fostering and replicating trauma at individual, familial and communal levels, and that reproduce inequity. We are dedicated to naming, deconstructing, and transforming these systems as an integral part of our work.
As we continue to grow as the first community center dedicated to survivors of domestic torture in the U.S., we are building out Politicized Healing into a replicable model for practitioners, organizations, and communities in the global struggle for healing and transformation from state violence.
Engage in a self-determined process of restoring ourselves and connecting to others and what we care about.
Unapologetically expose and deconstruct systems of harm.
Build reparative power towards new paradigms that we collectively imagine for our communities.