Learning Fellows

Please see below for information on how to apply! For any questions, assistance completing the application, or to request a printed copy, please call 773.962.0395 or email gina@chicagotorturejustice.org.

Please send applications by Monday, November 2.

Background: On May 6, 2015, in response to a movement spanning three decades, the Chicago City Council passed historic legislation providing reparations to the survivors of racially motivated police torture committed between 1972-1991—specifically, the twenty years of police torture orchestrated by Commander Jon Burge and detectives under his command. This makes Chicago the first municipality in the United States to provide reparations to those harmed by racially motivated law enforcement violence. The push for reparations was driven by the lack of redress for systemic harms; the package provides for financial compensation to the survivors; job training; free education at the City Colleges; an official apology; required teaching in the Chicago public schools; and a public memorial. Lastly, the Ordinance requires the creation of a community center informed by the needs of survivors of police torture, their family members, and community members. The Center is the first in the nation to provide specialized trauma services to those tortured by law enforcement officials within the U.S.

Position Summary: The Learning Fellow is a one-year, part-time position that provides direct support to the Center’s core programs and activities, assists with implementing the Center’s outreach plan for growth, represents the Center’s work and mission internally and externally, and focuses on developing and completing a focused, individualized learning plan throughout the fellowship.

Position Responsibilities: 

  • Develop individualized learning plan

  • Identify and attend relevant trainings and presentations in the community

  • Provide verbal or written report backs to the Center community regarding trainings and meetings attended

  • Assist with outreach to the Center’s community, clinical, and/or case management programs

  • Assist with the coordination of the Center’s Speakers Bureau

  • Assist with logistical support for the Center’s Survivor and Family Advisory Council, RISE, and other community events

  • Provide some written content for the Center’s monthly newsletter, and assist with newsletter prep and dissemination

  • Provide some limited case management support as needed and appropriate

  • Represent the Center at community meetings and other relevant events and presentations

  • Attend weekly staff meetings and participate in the Center’s strategic planning process

Essential Skills and Experience: 

  • The Fellow must be a survivor or family member of a survivor of police violence—direct or indirect

  • Deep knowledge and extensive involvement with the Center (prior to the Center’s opening or since) 

  • Ability to communicate well with others

  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team

  • Demonstrated commitment to the mission of the Center

  • Demonstrated commitment to the movement to end all forms of police violence

Compensation and Benefits: The position is a one-year, part-time position at 20 hours per week. Compensation is annual (part-time) salary of $25,000. This position does not include health benefits. Vacation and sick pay will be offered. 


Please complete the online application here: bit.ly/learningfellows2020

If you would prefer to download a PDF of the application, click here.

If you would prefer to fill out a paper version of the application, that is fine. Please contact us using the information below and we will get you a printed copy.


For any questions, assistance completing the application, or to request a printed copy, please call 773.962.0395 or email gina@chicagotorturejustice.org.

Thank you!